Saturday, October 3, 2009

Worth the Weight?

HI! This is my very first post! I am so very excited!
As you may have gathered from the title of this blog, it is about...sigh... weight loss! I am sorry if you had higher expectations from me, but really this is for me. ha! Any ways, I will go more into depth later as to why I am starting this voyage (or do I need to explain more since you see the title of my blog, the cookie monster banner, and all the chubby innuendos?) but for now, I will just do a little picture put'n ...
here are a few things I can't resist... And yes, the first pic is of me and my number one favorite foods ever...sushi! However I am much fatter now than I was in the photo, which was taken over 2 years ago....
I am what you could call semi vegitarian - I only eat fish, eggs and some dairy, but other than that, no animal flesh. So sushi and cheese are pretty much what influenced my fat cells! What are/were some of your favorite foods, treats, beverages? I often wonder if anyone els is as in love with wheat thins as I am?
So, on with the show... my favorites that make me say "Ohhh this is so worth the calories!"....well now I sit back and think, from a different perspective (or because I don't have it in my kitchen at this minute) all this all really worth the weight...?
Thanks for reading! I hope you were not put off by the yum yums I have up, because as with the last day of binge eating before your next crash diet, I had to induldge (visually) one last time...
Please stay tuned, as I will try to have a ..dun dun dun.. BEFORE photo or even a little slide show, to further introduce myself and start the data collection about my weight loss (hopefully) journey!
xoxo - Genee'
(pronounced: Jen-Nay)


  1. Oh man! I got hungry just looking at those pix! lol! ive been eating less than 500 calories a day for the last 21 days straight...but before then, i was eating everything! i currtently weight 377 ; goal is eventally 200 lbs. Anywho, good luck to ya. i cant wait to see your progress.

  2. Oh I love love sushi! My mouth is watering from those pictures... Good luck on your journey, I can't wait to read more!

  3. I just came across your health and fitness blog. Your article about why you started this blog was especially interesting. I especially liked your comments about giving up these extra calories, even though they are foods that most everyone loves...Wheat Thins and sushi, who could resist?! I am adding you to my favorites. Since you and your readers are interested in health and fitness, we thought you would like to check out our ab workout machine called The AbStand. The AbStand is a full-body workout machine that provides an easy way for you to keep your New Year's resolution! Any feedback would be appreciated as well. Thanks!


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